Lone Star Trapeze Academy 

After taking a couple of art classes I thought it was about time to try an outdoor activitie. I love nothing more than ticking off items on a list and to take “Fly Trapeze” off my bucket list was no exception.
Now I was supposed to be going with a group of people but they backed out last minute and I was not going to waste a perfect Saturday sitting at home so I set my GPS to Lone Star Trapeze Academy and began my 2 hour journey.

Lone Star Trapeze Academy is located in Bryan College Station Texas by a little league baseball stadium their are three instructors, Chad Davis, Rhys Challicombe and Stacy Majors totaling 25 years of experience between them. Bryan College Station is two hours away but it was worth the drive. Although I trapezed alone, my sister came for moral support.

Luckily in Houston this year the September heat wasn’t so bad, also it was extremely windy, which is a blessing for those who knows how cruel the Texas heat can be.

Before hitting the flying Trapeze set, you are given a quick safety course and then some practice then quickly pushed on to flying trapeze (not literally). After previously doing some high altitude activities I am slightly scared of heights but that was not going to stop me.

Now when you start they give you a routine to attempt and once you have mastered it, they add a new skill. Here are the steps:

  1. You first start off with holding onto bar and swinging off a platform
  2. hooking your legs onto the bar and releasing your hands from the bar
  3. Swinging stretch
  4. Holding on to the bar with your hands and unhooking your legs
  5. Swinging your legs back and fourth in quick motion to do a back-flip
  6. Dropped down onto a net

If you are able to master everything, you are able to perform a catch by performing the swinging stretch to be grabbed by an instructor. (I wasn’t able to do this one)

Now before you get worried, everything is done with a safety line which was the first question I was asked before starting.

The first attempt is able about overcoming your fears which i know did by screaming ( which I was the only one to do so) after that its all about remembering to listen to instructor and positioning your body correctly throughout each attempt.

Well that is the end of my Trapeze experience but it was not the end of the day.I went to Cafe Eccell. If you want to hear about it …. you are going to have to wait until next week. 🙂